Thursday, June 28, 2007

A hunk a hunk of fugly chair

Oh dear. Dear, dear...

I guess diehard Elvis fans will think it's sacreligious of me to fug this chair (it's not strictly a couch, is it?) Could do the obligatory joke about sitting on Elvis's face, but that would be in poor taste, even for me.

$1500 to love this couch tenderly. Me and this chair can't go on together, with suspicious minds. A little less conversation, a little more action is needed. Viva, Las Vegas.


Anonymous said...

I know a few people who would die for that chair. I can't think of anyroom in any house i've been though where that would look good!

Karenkool said...

Can I put that out by my pool for a nice lounge chair??

becstar said...

As a pool lounge chair - I LOVE IT! Good thinking, Karen.

Hannah, what do you reckon? Not indoors, but outdoors. Makes sense...