What have we got here?
Baroque? Check.
Contrasting fabrics? Check.
Gilding? Check.
Wonky feet that don't look like they'd support anything above the weight of a pre-(still-to-be-confirmed-at-press-time)-pregnancy Nicole Ritchie? Check.
But look closer... Do you get the sense there's something else going on here? There is.
Check it out:
Yep, it's round! Can you imagine the neck cricks you'd get trying to hold a conversation on this couch?
I know, it's meant for a hotel lobby, but it's not there now. Instead, you can plonk this in the middle of your lounge room for something in the order of $3000.
Looks so uncomfortable. And why would someone want to buy this for their home?
A chiro's dream!!!
What the hell is the point of it?
Sadly, clever[art], I reckon quite a few of the parents of kids I went to high school with would think this was a fantastic addition to their home.
It is, indeed, a chiro's dream, Chris, well spotted.
It's a great timeout couch for the larger families--such as mine. "You sit here, and you here, and you, and you!! Naughty children!!!" You know they'd still find a way to tease each other while in their seperate quarters.
LOVE IT, Karen! We used to get put in the corner a lot when we were kids. Well, my sister and I did. My little brother got away with sooooo much more than us. And he wonders why I'm bitter about so many aspects of our childhood...
Yea--the youngest always gets way spoiled!!!
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